Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Benjamin Savage on Canadian Kid's Show "In Real Life"

On November 22nd on I was on Canadian television kid's show In Real Life.

Drawing for the show was quite a challenge as I had to draw on the spot based on a string of descriptions run off, on the spot, by the young contestants on the show, while both the kids and I were simultaneously timed! I have never drawn like that before and it was a challenge and a fun one at that.

Growing up I had read that Sergio Aragones was this incredibly fast drawer, and since I loved his art in Mad Magazine, and Groo comics I always aspired to be the fastest artist I could be. Being with the kids in the game-show-like atmosphere and having to draw so rapidly to the real-time-stream of consciousness descriptions while being recorded for TV was exhilarating and reminded me of my childhood love of Aragones' art and how as a kid I imagined he created.

I am proud to say that; although the drawings on the show are not anywhere near my usual quality, (definitely not the kind of drawings I would want to showcase on television) that I stepped up the the challenge having been asked to do this like, the night before.

The kids, and everyone working on the show were great people! Thanks for a fun time!

And if anyone can find me a viewable video of the episode, let me know! All I can find online is the episode 8 trailer on this page.

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